Cure Anxiety, Stress, Panic Attacks, Depression & Other Conditions

Take Total Control Over Your Mental Health with Calmscious Therapy and Start Joyful Living

Experience relief with Dr. Mehar’s Calmscious Therapy. Our trusted online support helps with stress, sadness, and relationship challenges, guiding you through tough times.

Bid a Final Goodbye to

Health Anxiety
Social Anxiety
Anxiety and Fear
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Years of Experience
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Life Isn’t Always Easy. We Understand The Struggles When You’re Experiencing…

Persistent anxiety affecting daily life and physical health.

Physical symptoms such as sudden abdominal cramps, issues with shivering, and sweating.

Gastric troubles and bowel movement issues caused by stress.

Feeling of fatigue, tiredness, and occasional faintness.

Difficulty accepting emotional states, leading to resistance and worsening symptoms.

Lack of effective, personalized help that addresses both mental and physical aspects of anxiety.

GOOD NEWS: All These Conditions Are Reversible with Tailored Comprehensive Therapy


It’s time to start living your life and welcome

Rapid Relief from Anxiety: Experience significant reductions in anxiety and its symptoms quickly.

Improved Physical Health: Alleviate related physical issues like gastric trouble and fatigue.

Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Achieve a better emotional state through accepting and understanding your emotions.

Sustainable Long-term Health: Learn techniques you can practice for continued well-being beyond our sessions.

Increased Self-Acceptance: Gain the ability to accept flaws and issues, reducing the urge to resist negative feelings.

Personal Empowerment: Feel empowered by controlling your anxiety and your response to it.

Control Your Mind and Life by Curing the Underlying Issues Through Dr. Mehar’s Unique Calmscious Therapy

In-Person Counseling: Comprehensive support for various relationship challenges.

Online Counseling: Effective strategies to cope with stress and anxiety disorders.

Life Transforming Programs: Boost self-esteem and develop key interpersonal skills.

Welcome to Calmscious

A New Calm and Conscious Living Awaits

Fixes the Root Cause

Installs an Altered Belief System

Holistic Approaches

Expert Professionals

Counseling Therapy with Practice Sessions

Guided Mind Techniques

Diverse Therapy Options

20+ Years of Experience

At Calmscious, we focus on your condition and needs. First, we calm your mind with relaxation techniques and meditation. Then, we provide resources made just for you, offering lifelong support. 

Our approach aims at long-term solutions, addressing root issues instead of quick fixes.


Supportive, Life-Changing Therapy Programs Tailored to Your Needs

🟢 Personalized Counseling Sessions: Tailored one-on-one discussions that focus on understanding and altering your belief system to manage anxiety.

🟢 Practice Therapy Sessions: Engage in guided practice sessions that teach you how to apply techniques in real-life scenarios.

🟢 Therapeutic Technique Guidance: Learn specific mind techniques that help manage physical and emotional symptoms effectively.

🟢 Non-Resistant Approach: Our methodology encourages acceptance of current emotional states, fostering a smoother transition to relief.

🟢 Continuous Support: Regular follow-ups to ensure techniques are effective and to make adjustments as needed.

🟢 Privacy and Comfort: Sessions are conducted in a private and comforting environment or online, ensuring your complete privacy.

Meet The Founder

Dr. Mehar Nithyan

Chief Psychotherapist – Founder of Calmscious Therapy – Health Psychology Expert

With over 20 years of expertise, Dr. Mehar is a visionary psychotherapist dedicated to transforming mental well-being. As a devoted mother and spouse, she’s created a family life free of hospital visits. 

Driven by her personal battles with stress, anxiety, and depression, Dr. Mehar developed a refined approach to mental health, emphasizing a calm and conscious mind.

Live a Calm, Conscious, Happy, and Fulfilling Life with Calmscious

😠Challenges Without Support

❌ Persistent anxiety affecting daily life and health
❌ Physical symptoms like abdominal cramps, shivering, sweating, dizziness, and nausea
❌ Gastric troubles and bowel issues from stress
❌ Fatigue, tiredness, and occasional faintness
❌ Lack of personalized help
❌ Resistance worsening symptoms
❌ Short-term fixes without lasting results
❌ No holistic approach
❌ Lack of expert guidance
❌ Ineffective, general therapy
❌ Temporary fixes instead of root-cause solutions
❌ Privacy concerns due to social taboo
❌ Worsening mental and physical condition over time

😊 Life with Calmscious

✅ Rapid relief from anxiety
✅ Improved physical health
✅ Alleviate related physical issues
✅ Better physical and emotional well-being
✅ Tailored therapy solutions
✅ Personal empowerment through acceptance
✅ Life-transforming programs fixing the root cause
✅ Comprehensive tailored therapy sessions
✅ Expert professionals
✅ Tailored resources and solutions
✅ Focus on long-term solutions
✅ Sessions in a private, comforting environment
✅ Sustainable long-term health

Life-Changing Stories from Our Archive

Mahisha Durai

It was a very informative session invoking our minds. We had the opportunity to learn so much about how with our mind we can control our actions and bring positivity in our life.

Pradeepa Ramadass

The session i attended helped me to really understand where I go wrong and how to approach it in a different way . Thank you so much Meher for this wonderful session.

Malini Balasubramaniam

happy to join the group. Found new techniques and I’m planning to implement in my day to day. Good work 😀 …

Uma Maheswari

Excellent meditation sessions by Dr.Mehar. Much needed for everyone to lead a peaceful life! Doctor’s voice itself will be like a meditation with such calming effect ❤️

Vivek Krishna

I was into fitz and epilepsy. I took calmscious therapy. First session itself I felt sound sleep. Meditation was really helpful. My anger got down. I could feel complete inner peace. I gained confidence and braveness. Thanks calmscious.

Srinivasan Ramakrishnan

Dr.Meher is one the best psychologist who understands the mental state of people and give them good solution to overcome from fear anxiety and negative thoughts. The session I attended from her was very good experience for me

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Doubts? Let’s Clear Them Up

Consider it an investment in your long-term health, which brings invaluable returns in quality of life and reduced healthcare costs.

Our personalized approach differs because it focuses on acceptance and tailored techniques rather than one-size-fits-all solutions.

We start with a detailed assessment to ensure the therapy plan addresses each individual’s unique symptoms and challenges.

Yes, all sessions are confidential, and your privacy is our top priority, whether you choose to meet in person or online.

It’s Time to Take Control Back

Don’t let stress, phobias, or depression control your life any longer.

With Calmscious Mindcare, you can start a new chapter where you understand and manage your conditions effectively.

Act Now. A Happy Life Might Just Be a Call Away

We have a limited number of slots each month to ensure each of you receive full attention and customized care.

Reserve your spot now!

©2024 Calmscious. All Rights Reserved
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20+ years of experience in psychotherapy: Expert care from a seasoned professional.

Mother of three, balancing family and career: Empathetic guidance from someone who understands real-life challenges.

Spouse of a professor, fostering a healthy family dynamic: Benefit from a holistic approach that values your family health.

Personal experience with stress, anxiety, and depression: Receive support from someone who’s been through similar struggles.

A proven approach focused on ease and wisdom: Effective techniques that are easy to integrate into your life.

Advocate for transformative mental well-being: Experience meaningful changes in your mental health.

Belief in the power of a calm, conscious mind: Achieve a peaceful and focused state of mind.

Empathetic guidance rooted in real-world experience: Practical advice that works in everyday situations.

Refined and tested methods for tangible outcomes: See real improvements in your mental health and well-being.

Holistic approach addressing underlying issues: Long-lasting solutions rather than temporary fixes.

Commitment to long-term solutions over temporary fixes: Sustainable mental health improvements you can rely on.

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